Usos de Phrasal verbs con el verbo get

Usos de Phrasal verbs con el verbo get ; En esta lección aprenderemos algunos de los phrasal verbs más comunmente usados con GET.

Phrasal verbs con el verbo get

Phrasal Verbs con el verbo get Significado Ejemplo
get together (+ with)


quedar para hacer algo o pasar tiempo juntos They get together once a month to go hiking in the mountains.
get together tener una relación, dicho de manera informal Mike and Ella got together just three months ago and now they’re getting married.
a get-together (noun) reunión informal u ocasión social We have an annual get-together.
get on (+ with) cuando las personas se caen bien o se llevan bien con las demás I get on well with my in-laws.
get on (+ with) continuar haciendo algo, especialmente trabajo I’ll get on with the project while you send these emails.
get behind (+ with) no has hecho mucho o no has pagado lo que deberías en un momento determinado Jane always gets behind with her homework at school so her teachers are fed up with her.
get (something) over with hacer y completar algo dificil que debe hacerse I have to get this project over with before the month ends.
get away dejar un lugar o a una persona I like to get away from the office for lunch so I go to the park to eat a sandwich.
can’t/couldn’t get over something estar muy sorprendido o asombrado de que algo haya ocurrido o de que algo sea verdad He couldn’t get over the fact that his girlfriend left him three weeks before the wedding!
get away with something/doing something tener éxito en no ser criticado o castigado por algo que has hecho mal How did she get away with stealing all that money?
get by se capaz de vivir o lidiar con una situación con lo justo de algo, como dinero We got by with the small salary we received from the factory.
get around/round to doing something hacer algo que tenías intención de hacer durante mucho tiempo After Henry had finished checking all his emails, he finally got around to doing his homework.
get around/round something encontrar una forma de lidiar con o evitar un problema We managed to get around the problem by disconnecting all the other devices.
getting at se usa en interrogaciones, significa que estás preguntando a alguien qué quiere decir, quizás algo no está claro o no lo entiendes What are you getting at?

I don’t understand what you’re getting at?

get at somebody criticar a una persona repetidamente You’re always getting at Sheila because her hair’s too long or because she doesn’t wear make-up. Leave her alone!
get back something obtener algo de nuevo, después de una pérdida o separación I left my mobile phone on the train but I got it back from the lost property office.
get back at someone castigar a alguien porque esa persona te ha hecho algo malo She got back at her ex-boyfriend for hurting her.

Phrasal Verbs con el verbo get

Ejercicios sobre Usos de Phrasal verbs con el verbo get

¿Cuál es el significado de los phrasal verbs subrayados?

  1. My high and I school friends meet for our annual get-together.
    1. to meet in order to spend time together
    2. an informal meeting or social occasion

(an informal meeting or social occasion)

  1. They get together every Friday for coffee.
    1. to meet in order to spend time together
    2. an informal meeting or social occasion(to meet in order to spend time together)
  1. Larry finally got around to painting the bedroom after weeks of clearing out the mess!
    1. do something that you have intended to do for a long time
    2. to find a way in dealing a difficult situation

(do something that you have intended to do for a long time)

  1. I’m sorry I really don’t know what you’re getting at. It’s really unclear and confusing.
    1. asking what the person means because what he/she said is unclear
    2. to repeatedly criticize a person

(asking what the person mean because what he/she said is unclear)

  1. My sister can’t wait to get away from the house and start living independently.
    1. leave a place
    2. succeeds in not being punished for doing something wrong

(leave a place)

  1. How on earth did he manage to get away with stealing all that money from the company?
    1. succeed in not being punished for doing something wrong
    2. leave a place

(succeed in not being punished for doing something wrong)

  1. She lost all her belongings due to the hurricane, but she got them back after a year of hard work.
    1. obtain something again after a loss or separation
    2. punish someone that has done something wrong to you

(obtain something again after a loss or separation)

  1. After his boss humiliated Mike at the conference yesterday, Mike got back at him in an unexpected manner.
    1. punish someone that has done something wrong to you
    2. to obtain something again after a loss or separation

(punish someone that has done something wrong to you)

  1. I don’t know why my daughter always gets behind with her classes.
    1. have not done as much work as you should at a particular time
    2. have not paid as much money as you should at a particular time

(have not done as much work as you should at a particular time)

  1. Helen doesn’t know how to get on with her life now that her husband is dead.
    1. continue doing something
    2. to like each other and are friendly to each other

(continue doing something)


Elige el phrasal verb de la caja que se corresponda con la frase subrayada en cada oración.

get around got away get on got back
got by getting at couldn’t get over got behind


  1. The finance officer succeeded in not being penalized after avoiding paying taxes for the last ten years. ______________ (got away)
  2. Mary and Allan had a romantic relationship a month ago after breaking up three months ago. ______ (got back)
  3. My sister-in-law and I like each other and are friendly to each other. _____________ (get on)
  4. After she lost her job, she hasn’t paid as much of her mortgage as she should have. ______ (got behind)
  5. I was very surprised that she made it to the top five in her class. How did she do that?  ______ (couldn’t get over)
  6.  When I arrived in the U.S., I was able to live with enough money to buy food. (got by)
  7. Why are you always criticizing Karen? She may not be that pretty, but she seems a nice lady. _________ (getting at)
  8. I don’t think you’ll find a way to avoid with this problem – you’ll have to deal with it. _________ (get around)


Ejercicio de comunicación 

  1. Do you get together with your high school classmates? How often? Where do you always go?
  2. Have you lived in a new place abroad or in another city? How did you manage to get by?
  3. Do you have friends that you really don’t get on well with? How do you usually behave when you have no choice but to be with them?
  4. Have you experienced getting behind your payments for some reasons? Were you able to cope with the problem?
  5. When you have a deadline to do something, do you get the job over with or do you leave it until the last minute?