Rentalidad de un negocio en inglés: Vocabulario de negocios

En cada negocio, el beneficio lo es todo. Pero crear la rentabilidad de un negocio en inglés tienes que tener una idea comercial rentable con un buen producto (product), precios (pricing) razonables, y un plan estratégico sólido.

En esta lección, aprenderemos diferente vocabulario relacionado con obtener ganancias y con no ser rentable.


Rentabilidad de un negocio en inglés(Profitable and unprofitable products)

Términos Traducción Significado
make a profit obtener ganancias to get more money for selling a product than you spend on costs




resulting in a profit
break even cubrir los gastos to have no profit or loss at the end of the business activity
make a loss tener pérdidas to spend more money in making the product than the money you get from selling it
loss making pérdida not making a profit
loss leader producto de promoción an item sold at cost or below cost in order to attract more people to the store

cash cow

máquina de dinero

gallina de los huevos de oro

something or someone which brings a company or organization a lot of money over a longer period of time


Presupuestos y gastos en inglés (Budgets and expenditure)

Una empresa siempre prepara su presupuesto y se asegura de evitar gastos excesivos.

Términos Traducción Significado
budget presupuesto a plan to show how much money a person or organization will earn and how much they will need or be able to spend
expenditure gasto an amount of money, time or effort spent
over budget por encima del presupuesto beyond the amount of money than had been planned for
overspend gastar de más spend more than the expected or allotted amount
underspend gastar de menos spend less than the expected or allotted amount
underbudget por debajo de presupuesto involving less amount of money than had been planned for
advertising spend gasto publicitario amount of money spent on advertising


Economías de escala y la curva de aprendizaje en inglés (Economies of scale and the learning curve)

Términos Traducción Significado
economies of scale economías de escala the reduction of production costs that is a result of making andsellinggoods in
large quantities, for example, the ability tobuy large amounts of materials at reduced prices
learning curve curva de aprendizaje a situation in which someone has to learn a lot in a short period of time
diseconomies of scale deseconomías de escala a situation in which the cost of producing a product or providing a service increases as the total amount that is produced increases


 Ejercicios sobre la rentabilidad de un negocio en inglés

Utilizando la información de ABC Inc.’s products, responde las preguntas.

Unit production cost (dollars) Overheads per unit (dollars) Selling price (dollars) Number of units sold per year
chairs 160 40 300 50,000
stools 80 20 95 70,000
armchairs 500 70 600 20,000
coffee tables 350 50 400 30,000
dining tables 2300 300 2800 15,000


  1. Which products make a profit? _____________________ (chairs, armchairs, dining tables)
  2. Which product has the highest level of profitability as a percentage of its selling price? _________ (chairs)
  3. Which loses money? __________ (stools)
  4. Which just breaks even? ________ (coffee tables)
  5. Which is the biggest money spinner or cash cow, in terms of overall profit? ____________ (chairs)
  6. Which product may be a loss leader, to encourage furniture stores to buy other profitable products? ______________ (stools)


 Une la columna A con la columna B.

  1. amount of money spent on advertising (h)
  1. diseconomies of scale
  1. spend more than the expected or allotted amount (e)
  1. learning curve
  1. involving less amount of money than had been planned for (f)
  1. economies of scale
  1. an amount of money, time and effort spent (i)
  1. overbudget
  1. a plan to show how much money a person or organization will earn and how much they will need or be able to spend (j)
  1. overspent
  1. beyond the amount of money than had been planned for (d)
  1. underbudget
  1. spend less than the expected or allotted amount (g)
  1. underspent
  1. a situation in which someone has to learn a lot in a short period of time (b)
  1. advertising spend
  1. a situation in which the cost of producing a product or providing a service increases as the total amount that is produced increases (a)
  1. expenditure
  1. the reduction of production costs that is a result of making andsellinggoods in
    large quantities, for example, the ability tobuy large amounts of materials at reduced prices(c)
  1. budget

Ejercicio de Speaking sobre la rentabilidad de un negocio en inglés

  1. Does your company or the one you’d like to work for, have a cash cow or a loss leader?
  2. Does it benefit from economies of scale?
  3. Which is better: to overspend or go over budget? Why?
  4. What is the implication if the company always overspends?
  5. When is overbudgeting good or bad? Why?