Capital social y deuda en inglés

Ningún negocio puede comenzar sin capital. Pero el capital no solo significa dinero. Incluye otros activos como inversiones, maquinaria, software, marcas y propiedades. Iniciar un negocio por su cuenta puede ser difícil, especialmente financiando su propio capital para su inicio. Las empresas más grandes tienen inversores y accionistas. Cuantos más inversores tengan, más empresas comerciales podrán crear. Las empresas más pequeñas deben confiar en préstamos personales, ahorros o empresas de capital riesgo que requerirán una participación en su negocio a cambio de su inversión. En esta lección aprenderemos vocabulario en inglés relacionado con el capital social y deuda en inglés


¿Qué es el capital social y deuda en inglés?

Términos Traducción Significado
capital capital money that is used for investment or starting a business
share capital capital social money invested in a company in the form of shares rather than bonds or other forms of lending
loan capital capital en préstamo money that a business borrows from banks and other lending organizations for an agreed period of time and on which it pays interest
investment inversión the act of putting money or effort in the business to make a profit or achieve a result
dividend dividendo the profit of a company that is paid to the people who own shares in it
shareholder accionista a person who owns shares in a company and gets part of the company’s profits and the right to vote on how the company is controlled


¿Qué es el capital social y deuda en inglés y el capital en préstamo?

Términos Traducción Significado
lender prestador person or organization that lends money, especially a large institution like a bank
borrower prestatario a person or organization that borrows something like money from a bank
principal principal an amount of money that is lent, borrowed or invested apart from any additional money such as interest
interest interés money that is charged by a bank or other financial organization for borrowing money
indebtedness  endeudamiento the condition of owing money, or the amount of money owed

Fianza y apalancamiento en inglés

Términos Traducción Significado
bond bono an official paper given by a company or a company to show that you have lent them money that they will pay back to you at a particular interest rate
debenture obligación a type of loan, often used by companies to raise money, that is paid back over a long period of time and at a fixed rate of interest
collateral garantía valuable property owned by someone who wants to borrow money, that they agree will become the property of the company or a person who lends money if the debt is not paid back
security fianza the property or goods that you promise to give someone if you cannot pay what you owe them
leverage apalancamiento the amount of loan capital that a company has in relation to its share capital
gearing apalancamiento another term for leverage
highly leveraged altamente apalancados also known as ‘highly geared’; used to describe a company that has a large amount of debt compared to its share capital
overleveraged  sobreapalancamiento a situation where a company has borrowed too much money in relation to their ability to pay it back

Ejercicios sobre Capital social y deuda en inglés     

Elige los términos correctos para completar el texto.

I started my restaurant business ten years ago with $10,000 in (1) capital / dividend. We had a small restaurant in city center. My (2) borrowers / shareholders were my family: my parents and younger brothers and sisters who all put up money. They didn’t receive their (3) interests / dividends for the first three years. Now we want to increase our (4) equity / dividend, so we are looking for outside (5) borrowers / lenders.

(6) Lenders / Shareholders have been very helpful in our startup. We were able to obtain a $10,000 (7) loan / share from a financial institution when we started. Now, we have already paid off the (8) principal / dividend together with its (9) interest / shares after five years.


  1. capital                                                  6. lenders
  2. shareholders                                    7. loan
  3. dividends                                           8. principal
  4. equity                                                  9. interest
  5. lenders

Une las palabras con sus definiciones. 

  1. bonds (c)
  1. the property or goods that you promise to give someone if you cannot pay what you owe them
  1. debentures (f)
  1. the condition of owing money, or the amount of money owed
  1. leverage (j)
  1. an official paper given by a company or a company to show that you have lent them money that they will pay back to you at a particular interest rate
  1. security (a)
  1. a person who owns shares in a company and gets part of the company’s profits and the right to vote on how the company is controlled
  1. gearing (e)
  1. another term for leverage
  1. indebtedness (b)
  1. a type of loan, often used by companies to raise money, that is paid back over a long period of time and at a fixed rate of interest
  1. shareholders (d)
  1. an amount of money that is lent, borrowed or invested apart from any additional money such as interest
  1. collateral (i.)
  1. money that is charged by a bank or other financial organization for borrowing money
  1. interest (h)
  1. valuable property owned by someone who wants to borrow money, that they agree will become the property of the company or a person who lends money if the debt is not paid back
  1. principal (g)
  1. the amount of loan capital that a company has in relation to its share capital


Ejercicios de Speaking

  1. Would you like to start a business? What kind of a business?
  2. How will you make sure that you will get the return on your investment?
  3. If you wanted to start a business, how would you get or secure your capital?
  4. In your country, where do most business people get their capital?
  5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods of getting or acquiring capital?