Gente mala en inglés: vocabulario

En esta lección aprenderemos algunos adjetivos para describir a la gente mala en inglés.

Términos para describir a la gente mala en inglés

Términos o frases Significado
a crook

a villain

Consideras que la persona es un criminal y una persona desagradable
a scumbag La persona está moralmente equivocada y además también tiene un estatus extremadamente bajo
an evil witch Describe a una mujer que el hablante siente que es muy malvada
a heartless bastard Alguien que no tiene los sentimientos humanos normales o simpatía y amabilidad
a nasty piece of work Alguien que es muy desagradable y que deliberadamente hace cosas desagradables a otras personas
a psycho/psychopath Alguien que crees que es malvado y loco
a totally ruthless person Alguien que no se preocupa si lastima a otras personas al tomar decisiones
a creep Alguien que no es necesariamente malvado pero que tiene una personalidad extraña y desagradable
a two-faced cow/bastard Describe a una mujer/hombre que miente a la gente y es agradable a la cara pero dice cosas malas a sus espaldas

Vocabulario sobre gente mala en inglés

Ejercicios de vocabulario sobre gente mala en inglés

Identifica los términos descritos en la oración.

  1. Mike is a _____. He is not necessarily evil but has an unpleasant personality. (creep)
  2. People call him a ______. He is both evil and crazy. (a psycho)
  3. Sheila is a ______. She always lies to us and says bad things behind our backs. (a two-faced cow)
  4. My boss is a _______. He doesn’t worry about hurting his employees when he makes decisions. (a totally ruthless person)
  5. Leo calls his woman neighbor _____ because he feels she is very evil. (an evil witch)
  6. My father called his supervisor a _____. He considered him unpleasant and a criminal. (a crook/villain)
  7. He is a _____. He is morally wrong but also of extremely low status. (a scumbag)
  8. As a businessman, he’s ______ because he doesn’t have the normal human feelings or sympathy and kindness. (a heartless bastard)
  9. You are a ______. You are very unpleasant who deliberately does unpleasant things to other people. (a nasty piece of work)


Ejercicio de comunicación

  1. Do you know someone who you would describe with the words above?
  2. Have you had a boss or a colleague who is a totally ruthless person? How did you get along with him/her?
  3. What do you understand if you call a person morally wrong? What is the basis of morality?
  4. Are bad people bad because of some circumstances? Or is it their choice to be bad?
  5. Do you prefer to have a group of friends who are a combination of both good and bad people?
  6. Is it natural for a person to be bad?