Phrasal verbs con el verbo make

Phrasal verbs con el verbo make; En esta lección aprenderemos algunos de los phrasal verbs más comúnmente usados con MAKE.

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Diferentes usos de Phrasal Verbs con el verbo Make

Phrasal verbs Significado Ejemplos
make something up inventar algo como una historia o un juego She doesn’t want to attend the party, so she made up an excuse.
make for somewhere ir en la dirección de; mover hacia algo o un lugar We decide to make for the countryside to get some fresh air.
make for contribuir o liderar o causar un resultado o situación The new system has made for more efficient management of orders and sales.
make out something/someone ser capaz de ver u oír algo o a alguien con dificultad His voice was so soft and low that we could hardly make out what he said.
make out something

(make something out)

entender algo, especialmente porque ocurre algo I can’t make out why he has refused to help us. He’s very strange.


make out something

(make something out)

completar los detalles de un documento, generalmente un cheque Please make out the check to Mrs Kylie Johnson.
make up for something proporcionar algo bueno para mejorar una situación The sunny weather at the festival made up for the terrible sound and disastrous organization.
make it up to somebody hacer algo bueno por alguien a quien has hecho algo malo en el pasado, o por alguien que ha hecho algo bueno por ti I’m really sorry I couldn’t go to your birthday party. I’ll make it up to you by taking you out to dinner.
make sb/sth into sb/sth convertir una cosa/persona en otra cosa/persona We had a few empty boxes so we made them into a castle for the children to play in.
make sth out to be reclamar; acertar He makes himself out to be the most important person in history.
make of intentar entender y encontrar una razón para algo I don’t know what to make of the way she treated her boyfriend.
make of pensar y tener una opinión sobre algo What do you make of the new rules implemented in the office?
make off darse prisa para escapar Everyone made off as soon as the headteacher came into the gym.
make off with robar algo y llevárselo rápidamente The robbers made off with almost all the money in the safe.
make out tratar con; gestionar How did you make out on a salary as low as yours?
make sb out entender el carácter de una persona I could never make Helen out. She’s a mysterious woman.
make up consistir en; formar algo juntos Water makes up 70% of the earth’s surface.
make up formar la combinación de cualidades que forman el carácter de una persona Her generosity, positivity and empathy make up her whole personality.
make-up cosméticos coloridos que te pones en la cara para mejorar tu apariencia Helen’s putting on some make-up for the party.
make up formar la cantidad requerida para completar algo Four girls from the school down the road made up the full hockey team we needed for the competition.
make up hacer la cama My job is to make up beds in the hotel.
make up hacerse amigo de alguien después de una pelea o discusión After a year of not talking to each other, Clara and Rene finally made up.


make up armar algo de muchas cosas diferentes We made up this recipe from ingredients we had in the fridge?

Phrasal verbs con el verbo make

Ejercicios  de Phrasal verbs con el verbo make

Une la columna A con la columna B.

  1. She has a low voice; I can’t make out what she said. (g)
  1. steal something and quickly take it away
  1. She made out a check for supplier. (d)
  1. composed of
  1. The thieves make off with all the jewelry on display. (a)
  1. prepare beds
  1. Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. (b)
  1. filled out the details of the document
  1. He mother’s finesse and her father’s intelligence make up her personality. (j)
  1. a required number to complete something
  1. I make up beds in the hotel. It’s my part time job. (c)
  1. colorful cosmetics you put on your face to improve your appearance
  1. We need 35 people to make up one group. (e)
  1. to hear with difficulty
  1. They’ll kiss and make up after a few days – they hardly ever fight. (i.)
  1. put something together from many different things
  1. Naomi knows how to put on make-up especially when there’s special occasions she needs to attend to. (f)
  1. to become friendly with each other after an argument
  1. Harry made up the robot from trash and recycled material. (h)
  1. the combination of qualities that form a person’s character


Escribe los phrasal verbs correctos para la frase subrayada en cada oración. 

  1. Kyla doesn’t want to attend her high school homecoming, so she invented a story to excuse herself. (make something up)
  2. Her silence caused a very embarrassing moment. (made for)
  3. We’ll go to the countryside for our weekend excursion. (make for somewhere)
  4. Due to the delay in their monthly pay, the company gave their bonuses together with their delayed pay to make the employees feel better. (make up for something)
  5. How did you manage to survive alone in a new place? (make out)
  6. I managed to understand my colleagues’ characters through the team building we had recently. (make somebody out)
  7. I’m going to prepare a bed for our visitor. (make up)
  8. The singer hurried to escape after the concert without signing autographs. (made off)
  9. They kissed and became friendly with each other after their argument on Friday. (make out)
  10. What do you think of the new policies implemented in our workplace? (make of)


Ejercicio de comunicación

  1. What makes up your personality or character? Explain more.
  2. Have you ever made up stories just to get rid of a person you don’t want to talk to?
  3. Have you ever had a fight or argument with your parents, boyfriend or husband/wife? How do you usually make up? Who makes the first move?
  4. What do you think makes up a happy home? Explain.
  5. If you were stranded on an island, how do you think would you make out alone?