El éxito y fracaso en los negocios en inglés

En esta lección aprenderemos algunos términos en inglés relacionados con el éxito y el fracaso en los negocios en inglés

Términos Traducción Significado
earnings ganancias a company’s profit in a particular period
retained earnings ganancias retenidas the part of the company’s profit in a particular period that it decides to keep rather than paying it to the shareholders as a dividend
cash reserves reservas de efectivo money that a company has available to spend
cash pile gran cantidad de dinero a large amount of money that a company has that is used to buy other companies
cash mountain montaña de efectivo another term for cash pile
acquisitions adquisiciones


something such as a building, company or a piece of land that a company buys


Deuda o problemas de deudas sobre el éxito y fracaso en los negocios en inglés

Términos Traducción Significado
debt repayment pago de la deuda refers to cash that is required to cover the repayment of interest and principal on a debt for a particular period
debt burden carga de deuda the amount of money owed by a company
debt crisis crisis de endeudamiento a situation in which the company loses the ability to pay back its debt
debt rescheduling

debt restructuring

reprogramación de deuda

reestructuración de deuda

when the company convinced its lenders to change the repayment dates and terms
debt default incumplimiento de deuda when a company fails to make a debt repayment

El éxito y fracaso en los negocios en inglés

Cambios, rescates y bancarrota como éxito y el fracaso en los negocios en inglés

Términos Traducción Significado
turn around cambiar to change a plan, business or system that is unsuccessful and make it successful
recovery recuperación a process in which a situation improves after a difficult period
collapse colapso to be unable to continue business operation
bailout rescate the act of helping a person or organization that is in difficult situation, usually by giving or lending them money
bankruptcy bancarrota, quiebra a situation in which the company bankrupt which makes them unable to pay their debts
insolvent company compañía insolvente a company that has not enough money to pay debts, buy goods, etc.
liquidation liquidación the process of closing a business, so that its assets can be sold to pay its debts
receivership quiebra; administración judicial a situation where a company is controlled by a receiver
wound up company liquidación de bienes a dissolving company
receivers síndicos a person who officially deals with the business matters of companies who cannot pay their debts

Ejercicios sobre El éxito y fracaso en los negocios en inglés

Elección múltiple. Elige la correcta respuesta.

The part of the company’s earnings that it keeps rather than giving it to the shareholders. (retained earnings)

a.earnings                      b. retained earnings                       c. profit

A company’s profit in a particular period. (earnings)

a.earnings                      b. retained earnings                       c. profit

Money that a company has available to spend. (cash reserves)

a.earnings                      b. cash reserves                                              c. profit

A large amount of money that a company has that is used to buy other companies. (cash pile)

a.earnings                      b. cash reserves                                              c. cash pile

Something such as a building, company or a piece of land that a company buys. (acquisition)

a.earnings                      b. acquisitions                                  c. cash mountains

Refers to cash that is required to cover the repayment of interest and principal on a debt for a particular period. (debt repayment)

a.debt                              b. debt repayment                         c. debt burden

The amount of money that a company owed. (debt burden)

a.debt                              b. debt repayment                         c. debt burden

A situation in which the company loses the ability to pay back its debt. (debt crisis)

a.debt crisis                   b. debt repayment                         c. debt burden

When the company convinces its lenders to change the repayment dates and terms. (debt restructuring)

a.debt restructuring  b. debt repayment                         c. debt burden

When a company fails to make a debt repayment. (debt default)

a.debt default              b. debt repayment                         c. debt burden


Une la columna A con la columna B.

  1. cash mountain (b)
  1. make an unsuccessful plan successful
  1. debt rescheduling (d)
  1. another term for cash pile
  1. turn around (a)
  1. company unable to pay its debts
  1. bailout (g)
  1. another term for debt restructuring
  1. bankruptcy (c)
  1. unable to continue business operation
  1. insolvent company (f)
  1. having not enough money to pay debts
  1. collapse (e)
  1. lend money to a company who is in a difficult situation
  1. wound up company (j)
  1. closing a business, so that its assets can be sold to pay its debts
  1. liquidation (h)
  1. a situation where a company is controlled by a receiver
  1. receivership (i.)
  1. dissolving company


Ejercicios de speaking

  1. Should government help to bail out companies that are struggling?
  2. In your country, does the government help companies that are about to declare bankruptcy?
  3. What is the effect of closing companies to the economy?
  4. What assistance should the companies declaring bankruptcy need?
  5. How will the government help in motivating companies to make a turn around?