Compradores, vendedores y el mercado en inglés

Compradores, vendedores y el mercado; El mercado es una estructura donde compradores y vendedores se encuentran e intercambian bienes y determinan precios. En las economías de mercado modernas, todo tiene un precio y ninguna organización del gobierno controla el mercado.

En esta lección aprenderemos vocabulario relacionado con la actividad de comprar y vender en el mercado.


Diferencia entre customer y client

En inglés cotidiano, customer y client se pueden usar para referirse a la misma persona u organización – para la mayoría de la gente no hay diferencia entre ellos. Sin embargo, técnicamente son ligeramente diferentes:

Customer es una persona u organización que compra productos de una empresa. 

Client es una persona u organización que compra servicios de una persona u organización  profesional. Algunos ejemplos de profesionales son:

lawyers (abogados) dan servicios legales a una persona o a una organización
accountants (contables) preparan los registros financieros de una persona u organización
architects (arquitectos) diseñan nuevos edificios/casas y se aseguran de que se construyen de acuerdo al plan


Hay algunos profesionales que tiene términos específicos para sus clientes.

Por ejemplo: teachers – students; doctors – patients.

End-user (usuario final) es una persona u organización que usa los productos/servicios comprados por la empresa. Por ejemplo: ABC Inc. bought 50 new computer sets to be used by its staff. The staff is the end-user of the computer sets bought by the company.

Consumer (consumidor) es una persona que compra productos para su propio uso. A mother who bought diapers in the store is a customer, and her baby is the consumer.


¿Quiénes son los buyers (compradores) y sellers (vendedores)?

Un comprador (buyer o purchaser) es una persona u organización que compra algo. En algunas organizaciones grandes, tienen gerentes de compra (purchasing managers) que son responsables de comprar los bienes que la empresa utiliza o vende.

Un vendedor (seller o vendor) es una persona que vende algo. Los vendedores callejeros (street vendors) son personas que venden cosas en la calle.

Compradores, vendedores y el mercado en inglés

Palabras y frases relacionadas con comprar y vender:

Palabras/frases Significado Traducción
beat someone to market to make available for people to buy before competitors can do so llegar antes al mercado
bring/take someone to market to make a product available for people to buy llevar a alguien o algo al mercado
digital commerce the buying and selling of goods on the Internet comercio digital
time to market the time it takes to make a product available to buy tiempo de comercialización
barter the system of paying goods/services with other goods/services instead of money trueque
concierge economy an economy where good/services can be used using applications and available almost everywhere sistema económico relacionado con apps

El mercado (The market)

Un mercado (market) es un lugar o evento donde las personas compran o venden productos o servicios.

Una economía de mercado (market economy) es un sistema económico donde los bienes y servicios, se hacen, se venden, se comparten y los precios vienen dados por el ajuste entre la oferta y la demanda.

Algunas palabras y frases relacionadas con MARKET:

Palabras/frases Significado Traducción
free market an economic system where the government has only a small amount of control, where prices are decided by the level of demand and production of goods and services mercado libre
buyer’s market this is a good time to buy a particular good because it is available, so the price is low mercado de compradores
seller’s market this means that there are very few products available, so the price is high mercado de vendedores
marketplace the system of buying and selling in competitive conditions mercado
market force/pressure the force that decides price levels in a trading system and not influenced by the government fuerza/presión de mercado
market price a price that people are willing to buy and is not set by the government precio de mercado
market reforms changes made by the government to an economy to make it more like a market economy reformas de mercado


Ejercicios sobre Compradores, vendedores y el mercado

Elige la mejor respuesta.

  1. Mary was so furious because a ______ left her restaurant without paying the bill. (customer)
  1. client                            b. customer                       c. consumer
  1. Jorge, a family lawyer, is having a meeting with his ______ regarding visitation rights. (client)
  1. client                            b. consumer                      c. customer
  1. Mrs. Smith, a Mathematics teacher, wanted to have a special class with her ______ to help them with their low scores. (students)
  1. client                            b. customer                       c. students
  1. Dr. Lance is a famous surgeon, so many people want to have an appointment with him. Unfortunately, because of the number of _____ he has now, he’s not accepting new ones. (patients)
  1. clients                          b. patients                         c. customers
  1. ABC Inc. hired the Jane’s services to prepare the company’s financial records. Jane considered ABC Inc. as one of her biggest ______. (clients)
  1. clients                          b. customers                     c. consumers
  1. Lisa bought some cereal and milk for her children. Her children are considered the _______________. (consumers)
  1. clients                          b. customers                     c. consumers
  1. Mike designs new buildings and makes sure that these are built according to plan. He has many _________. (clients)
  1. clients                          b. customers                     c. consumers


Une la columna A con la columna B.

  1. end-user (c)
  1. they sell things in the street
  1. buyer/purchaser (f)
  1. the price is high because there are a few products available
  1. street vendors (a)
  1. he uses the products/services purchased by a person or organization
  1. barter (g)
  1. buying and selling of products on the internet
  1. seller’s market (b)
  1. the person who buys products for his own use
  1. buyer’s market (j)
  1. a person who buys goods that the company uses or sells
  1. free market (h)
  1. paying bought products with other products instead of money
  1. market price (i)
  1. an economic system with little control from the government
  1. digital commerce (d)
  1. the price that people are willing to buy
  1. consumer (e)
  1. the good is available in the market, so the price is low.


Ejercicios de comunicación sobre Compradores, vendedores y el mercado

  1. If given the chance to have your own company, what goods or services would you sell/provide?
  2. Would you like to work for a company that sells products or provides services?
  3. Do you want to sell your product in public or in companies?
  4. Who will be your target market if you open a company?
  5. Do you want to sell products already available in the market or innovate a new product?