Procesos de reclutamiento y selección: Vocabulario


Procesos de reclutamiento y selección: Vocabulario; En esta lección aprenderemos el vocabulario relacionado con los procesos de selección y reclutamiento para los solicitantes de empleo.

¿Qué es recruitment? ¿Qué es hiring? Procesos de reclutamiento y selección

Recruitment is the process of finding the potential candidates with the right skills and qualifications for employment and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization. The main purpose of recruitment is finding the right people to add value to the company. Recruitment can be outsourced, meaning a company pays another company to do the recruitment.

Hiring is the process of offering the employment opportunity to a selected employee for an agreed salary.


Algunos términos relacionados con reclutamiento y contratación

Términos Significado Traducción
to employ to hire emplear; contratar
employee someone who is paid to work for someone else empleado
employer a person or organization that employs people empleador
recruitment agency/ employment agency a business that is paid to find suitable workers for other companies and organizations agencia de empleo
to headhunt to convince someone to leave their job by offering job with more pay and a higher position cazar talentos
headhunter a person who tries to convince someone to leave their job by offering a job with more pay and a higher position cazatalentos
recruitment consultant someone whose job it is to give expert advice to companies looking for skilled or specialized employees consultor de recursos humanos
hire to pay someone to work for you contratar
job interview a meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you are suitable for a job entrevista de trabajo
job hopping the practice of changing job very often rotación laboral
job hunting the activity of trying to find a job búsqueda de empleo

Vocabulario sobre reclutamiento y procesos de selección en inglés

Naomi has just graduated from university, so she started job hunting.

The company has asked a recruitment agency to look for people to fill in the vacant positions they have.

Mark works as a headhunter. He’s been trying to convince my father to work for another company with more benefits.

The company employs around 150 people, including sales staff.

Selena has been job hopping a lot. She can’t stay in a job longer than six months.

¿Cómo solicitar un empleo?

In applying for a job, you start with checking job sites for any vacant post and its position. You apply for the job you think you are qualified for. You look at the company you are going to apply to. Fill out an application form. Make sure to prepare your curriculum vitae/resume and send it to the company. Other companies require a cover letter depending on the post.

Below is the list of the terms used in the application process:

Términos Significado Traducción
job sites websites for recruiting people where jobs are offered and candidates can apply online through the site páginas web de búsqueda de empleo
post a job in a company or organization puesto
position a rank or level in a company, society or organization posición, categoría laboral
apply for make an official request for a job solicitar un trabajo
apply to make an official request to a company solicitar a una empresa
application form a form that you complete in order to apply for a job formulario de solicitud
curriculum vitae a short, written description of your education, qualifications, previous jobs and sometimes your personal interest. In the U.S., this is used when applying for academic teaching jobs curriculum vitae
resume a short, written description of your education, qualifications, previous jobs and sometimes your personal interest. In the U.S., this is used when trying to get a job curriculum vitae
cover letter a letter that accompanies your job application that you send with your resume as a way of presenting yourself to the company carta de presentación

El proceso de selección. 

Most companies vary their selection process. After the applicant sends in their job application, the recruitment team look at the background of the applicants: their different job experience and their educational qualifications.

The most interesting job candidates are invited for an interview. The candidates are also asked to do written psychometric tests to assess their intelligence and personality.

After the test, the company make a shortlist of the candidates. Sometimes, they check their references. If the interviews are OK, the company offers the job to the applicant. If the applicant accepts the job, they are hired. The company only appoint someone if they find the right person.

Here is the list of terms used in the selection process:

Términos Significado Traducción
selection process the process of choosing the person suited for the job proceso de selección
background the type of experience, training, education that an applicant has experiencia y formación
job experience the job that someone has had, the type of work they had done in the past experiencia laboral
job application an official request for a job solicitud oficial de empleo
job candidate a person being considered for a job candidato
job interview a meeting when an employer asks the person applying for a job some questions to see whether they would be suitable for the position entrevista de trabajo
psychometric test a test to show someone’s personality, mental ability, opinions, etc.; often used by companies to decide whether or not to hire someone prueba psicométrica
shortlist a list of people who have been judged the most suitable for a job lista de candidatos
reference a statement of someone’s abilities and character, usually given by a former employer referencias
offer a job to ask the job applicant to have the post he applied for ofrecer el trabajo
turn the job down refuse to accept the job rechazar el trabajo
appoint to choose someone officially for the job or responsibility designar

Ejercicios sobre procesos de reclutamiento y selección en inglés

  • Rellena los huecos para completar la oración usando las palabras de la caja.
psychometric test hired background selection process
application letter turn down references offered a job


  1. The company has _______ Peter as their new finance manager. (hired)
  2. The applicants took the _______ to test their personality and mental ability. (psychometric test)
  3. The company checked the candidates’ _______ to see the type of job experience. (background)
  4. The applicant must write an ______ when applying for a job. (application letter)
  5. Harry ______ the job offered by ABC Inc. because of the conditions. (turned down)
  6. The company checked my ______ that I had included in my application to find out more information about me. (references)
  7. Lisa ______ me _____ in her new company. She wants me to work for her. (offered a job)
  8. Every company has different _____ , but the bottom line is, they have to hire people suited for the job. (selection process)


1.2 Une la columna A con la columna B

1.       curriculum vitae (b) a.       to choose someone officially for the job or responsibility
2.       application form (d) b.       a short, written description of your education, qualifications, previous jobs and sometimes your personal interest.
3.       post (e) c.       a list of people who have been judged the most suitable for a job
4.       job site (h) d.       a form that you complete in order to apply for a job
5.       position (f) e.       a job in a company or organization
6.       cover letter (g) f.        a rank or level in a company, society or organization
7.       shortlist (c) g.       a letter that accompanies a job application
8.       reference (i) h.       a website where jobs are advertised
9.       resume (j) i.         a statement about a person’s abilities and character, usually written by an employer
10.   appoint (a) j.         In the U.S. this is used when trying to get a job


  • Elección múltiple. Elige la mejor respuesta.
  1. A person who tries to convince someone to leave their job by offering a job with more pay and a higher position. (headhunter)
    a.headhunter                     b. employer                       c. recruiter
  2. A meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you’re suitable for a job (interview)
    a. interview                       b.conference                   c. talk
  3. A business that is paid to find suitable workers for other companies and organizations (recruitment Agency)
    a. recruitment agency      b. employment agency        c. recruitment consultant
  4. The practice of changing job very often (job hopping)
    a. job hopping                    b. headhunting                c. employment
  5. The activity of trying to find a job (job hunting)
    a.job hunting                      b.headhunting                c. job hopping
  6. Someone who is paid to do a job, who is paid to work for someone else (employee)
    a.employment                    b. employer                       c. employee
  7. A person or organization that employs people (employer)
    a.employment                     b. employer                       c. employee


Ejercicio de comunicación  en los Procesos de reclutamiento y selección

  1. At what age did you start job hunting?
  2. At what age did you get your first job? What was it like?
  3. Do you remember the first job interview you had? What was it like?
  4. How long did you stay in the company for your first job?
  5. Have you had bad experiences at job interviews?