Competencias y cualificaciones: Vocabulario en inglés

Competencias y cualificaciones: Vocabulario en inglés; Al solicitar un trabajo, la mayoría o casi todas las compañías han establecido las cualificaciones necesarias de sus solicitantes para ocupar los puestos vacantes. Los puestos y las competencias tienen diferentes categorías.

En esta lección aprenderemos vocabulario relacionado con las competencias y cualificaciones profesionales.

Education y training: Competencias y cualificaciones

Getting a good paying job requires good education and various trainings that will add to your possibility of landing that job of your choice. Here are some words related to education and training:

Términos Significado Traducción
graduate a person who has a first degree from a university or college graduado
work experience the experience that a person already has of working experiencia laboral
university graduate a person who has a first degree from a university or college graduado universitario
university degree an award conferred by a college or university grado universitario
management training activities and courses that are intended to develop and improve the skills of the managers of the company formación para gerentes
in-house training a training program for learning opportunities developed by the organization in which they are used formación interna
qualification an official record showing that you have finished a training course or have the necessary skills título académico
management development the process of improving the skills of the managers in a company

If you are a university graduate and with work experience, you have more chances of getting the job you want.

You need the necessary qualification to get the promotion.

An in-house training was provided by the company for promoting the talents of the workers.

We sponsored the management training for our different managers.

Competencias y cualificaciones: Vocabulario en inglés

Who are considered skilled and unskilled workers?. Competencias y cualificaciones

Términos Ejemplos de trabajadores Significado
low-skilled not having or needing a high level of skill or education
multi-skilled able to do a lot of different things
semi-skilled waiters, flight attendants, sales persons, security guards does not require advanced training or specialized skills, but it does require more skills than an unskilled labor job; have a high school diploma but less than a college degree
skilled law enforcement officers, financial technicians, nurses, sales representative, electricians. having the abilities to do an activity or job well; capable of exercising judgment and have knowledge of the particular trade or industry they work; most likely have a college degree
unskilled clerks, maids, fast food workers, janitors, parking lot attendants having no particular work skills or having no education; their duties don’t require judgement
highly-skilled engineers, software developer, paramedics, police officers, crane operators, truck drivers, cooks, accountants, doctors having or involving a great deal of knowledge or skill in a particular area

My father is an engineer. He is one of those highly-skilled workers working on the new bridge.

Even if he is an unskilled worker, he is proud of his job.

Flight attendants are semi-skilled workers but they have undergone special training.

Skilled workers are in great demand in this ever-changing industry.


What are the words used in JOB ADVERTISEMENTS?

Significado Términos
Good at working on their own self-starter = can work effectively without being told

proactive = taking actions or making changes yourself

self-driven = ability to make things by yourself

self-motivated = able to do things without being told

Can work in a planned and orderly way methodical = do things in a very ordered way

systematic = doing things in an organized way

organized = able to plan things carefully and keep thing tidy

Good with computers computer-literate = able to use computers well

computerate = another term for computer-literate

Good with numbers numerate = able to add, multiply, subtract and divide
Good at what they do talented = with talent or skillful

multi-talented = have many talents or skills

Can work well with other people people-oriented = able to get along with other people well

team player = good at working closely with other people

Companies need people who can work on their own or with less supervision.

An organized worker can do things carefully. You can expect a clean workstation from him.

The new secretary is multi-talented and people-oriented. Our boss appreciated her work.

Jenny’s totally computerate. She’ll have an edge over the other candidates.


Ejercicios sobre Competencias y cualificaciones: Vocabulario en inglés

  • Identifica los siguientes trabajadores según sus competencias o habilidades: SKILLED, UNSKILLED, SEMI-SKILLED and HIGHLY-SKILLED
  1. waiters electricians
  2. janitors                nurses
  3. sales persons doctors
  4. fast food workers crane operators
  5. clerks maids
  6. flight attendant paramedics
  7. software developer sales representative
  8. law enforcement engineer


Skilled: law enforcement officers, nurses, sales representative, electricians

Unskilled: clerks, maids, fast food workers

Semi-skilled: waiters, flight attendants, sales persons

Highly-skilled: crane operators, paramedics, software developer, doctors, engineers


  • Une la columna A con la columna B
1.       work experience (e) a.       a person who has a first degree from a university or college
2.       university graduate (a) b.       an award conferred by a college or university
3.       university degree (b) c.       an official record showing that you have finished a training course or have the necessary skills
4.       management training (g) d.       the process of improving the skills of the managers in a company
5.       in-house training (f) e.       the experience that a person already has of working
6.       qualification (c) f.        a training program for learning opportunities developed by the organization in which they are used
7.       management development (d) g.       activities and courses that are intended to develop and improve the skills of the managers of the company
  • Rellena los huecos con las palabras correctas de la caja para completar las oraciones.
unskilled education management training work experience
skill highly-skilled qualifications skilled
  1. ______ should teach people how to be logical rather than preparing them for a specific job or for the job of their choice. (education)
  2. Most companies invest a large amount of money in _______ to improve the skills of their managers. (management training)
  3. Certain ______ should be met before one get a specific job. (qualifications)
  4. A ______ is someone’s ability to do something well because he/she has learned how to do things and also practiced it. (skill)
  5. The persons’ ________ is important in applying for a job because it gives information about what kinds of jobs that person has had. (work experience)
  6. A person is ______ because he can do an activity well and is capable of exercising his judgement well. (skilled)
  7. People who are _____ have a great deal of knowledge or skill in a particular area. (highly-skilled)
  8. People who are _____ have no particular work skills or might have no education. (unskilled)

Ejercicio de comunicación sobre Competencias y cualificaciones

  1. Do you know somebody who is a highly-skilled worker? What does he/she do?
  2. What about you? What kind of a worker are you? What do you do?
  3. Why do skilled workers get higher pay than the semi-skilled ones?
  4. Describe the work of your parents? What kind of workers are they?
  5. Why do you think your work experience is important when getting a job?