Las diferentes industrias tienen diferentes filosofías o creencias de que están trabajando para lograr su objetivo o éxito. Estas filosofías sirven como un esbozo sobre cómo van a lograr sus objetivos y cómo hacen sus productos y servicios. En esta lección aprenderemos diferente vocabulario relacionado con las filosofía de los negocios.
Tabla de contenidos
Gestión de calidad total como filosofía de los negocios
Un sistema de gestión donde cada miembro del personal debe comprometerse a mantener altos los estándares de trabajo en todos los aspectos de las operaciones de la empresa. El principio de Gestión de calidad total (Total Quality Management – TQM), se especifica en los siguientes términos:
Vocabulario | Significado | Traducción |
quality | refers to high or excellent standard | calidad |
product specification | refers to the exact instructions about the design, the dimensions, materials to be used, how it is to be made and including the design | especificaciones de producto |
product dimension | characteristics that serve to identify a product | dimensión del producto |
quality control | the process of looking at goods while in process if they have met high or excellent standards | control de calidad |
conformity to specs | a product being made as it was designed without mistakes or faults | conformidad con las especificaciones |
zero defects | a system that tries to make certain that a product being produced contains no faults | cero defectos |
right-first-time | done perfectly every time, and no time and money are wasted correcting errors caused by poor quality | bien a la primera |
reworking | to make changes to correct faults or errors | revisión, reelaboración |
spot check | a quick examination of the company or process to make sure that everything is done according to the rules | verificación puntual |
quality circles | a small group of workers who meet regularly to discuss methods of working in order to find ways of improving them | círculos de calidad |
Mejora continua como filosofía de los negocios
Vocabulario | Significado | Traducción |
small improvements | the process of making small changes to make the product better | pequeñas mejoras |
enhancements | improvements in quality, amount or strength of something | mejoras |
continuous improvement | the process of making small and regular changes to improve the product | mejora continua |
mystery shoppers | someone employed to pretend to be a normal customer to test the quality of service in shops and businesses | compradores anónimos |
Evaluación comparativa (Benchmarking)
El proceso de medir la calidad de algo comparándolo con otra cosa usando un estándar aceptable. La filosofía de los negocios en inglés
Vocabulario | Significado | Traducción |
functional benchmarking | the process of comparing similar practices outside the immediate industries | evaluación comparativa funcional |
internal benchmarking | the process of comparing business practices within the organization to obtain the best internal business practice | evaluación comparativa interna |
generic benchmarking | the process of conceptualizing business practices regardless of the kind of industry | evaluación comparativa genérica |
competitive benchmarking | this is a competitor-to-competitor comparison of products or services | evaluación comparativa competitiva |
skill benchmarking | the process of identifying skill competencies required for a particular job. | evaluación comparativa de habilidades |
Reingeniería de procesos de negocio (Business process re-engineering (BPR))
Se aplica a la industria manufacturera y de servicios. Es un proceso de rediseño completo de los procesos en la gestión, administración y servicio al cliente. El propósito de BPR es hacer que la empresa sea más flexible, receptiva, eficiente y efectiva para todos, incluidos empleados, clientes y propietarios.
Ejercicios sobre la filosofía de los negocios.
Elige la respuesta correcta.
A type of benchmarking where it compares practices outside immediate industries. (functional)
a.functional b. internal c. generic
A type of benchmarking that compares business practices within the organization to obtain the best practice. (internal)
a.functional b. internal c. generic
A type of benchmarking that conceptualizes business practice regardless of the kind of industry. (generic)
a.functional b. internal c. generic
A type of benchmarking which compares the products and services against competitors. (competitive)
a.competitive b. internal c. generic
A type of benchmarking that identifies competencies of a particular job. (skill benchmarking)
a.functional b. skill c. generic
The process of measuring quality of something by comparing it with something else using an acceptable standard. (benchmarking)
a.benchmarking b. business process re-engineering c. continuous improvement
Someone who pretends to be a normal customer to test the quality of services in shops and business. (mystery shopper)
a.mystery shopper b. mystery laborer c. mystery hopper
Une la columna A con la columna B.
A | B |
Ejercicios de comunicación sobre filosofía de los negocios.
- What is the importance of quality check and quality control?
- Why do we need to follow product specifications?
- Does product enhancement mean quality product?
- What is the importance of producing product right at the first time?
- What is the impact of reworking and zero defect?